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Realizing the importance of strengthening the market by partnering with a reliable business partner, SMEP (Small Medium Enterprise Promotion) Project, funded by SDC, facilitated a business linkage between garment cluster of Cipulir, South Jakarta and PT. Bali Nirwana Garment (PT. BNG) - an apparel manufacturing export company. Contract will be given from PT BNG to Garment Producers in Cipulir to produce high quality denim. Therefore, it is necessary to train employees on skills development.

On February 16 2009, PT BNG HRD Manager, Ms Meaty, conducted a one-day assessment of an ongoing training of 25 employees in the regency of Karawang. The training focused on Quality Standard Sewing Skills held in Jakarta and Karawang. SMEP Project of Swisscontact Indonesia aims to increase competitiveness of garment cluster in South Jakarta. One of the innovative ways is establishing a promotional website, www.garmentindo.com , with support from IT students of Binus University, Jakarta.

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In 2005, cocoa commodity in Flores suffered greatly due to a pest attack, which reduced 70% of its product capacity; this major loss would have been prevented if farmers were well informed on managing cocoa plantation. Seasonal calendar has been found to effectively help farmers design appropriate steps relating to product improvement of cocoa commodity.

The Farmer Association of Wolosoko, Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur has managed to design a cocoa seasonal calendar during the ‘Favorable Planting Methods’ training, held by LED NTT (Local Economic Development – Nusa Tenggara Timur Project) Swisscontact on 16th February to 20th February 2009. Seventy farmers participated and seven trainers from different skills background facilitated the training.

The topics discussed in the training were on pests and diseases, pruning, fertilization, harvesting, sanitation - collectively known as P3S - clone screening, various cultivation methods, seedling, seeds management and quality standard of wet seeds. LED NTT Project aims to improve the performance of three economic sectors (cashew, cocoa, seaweed) in selected districts of NTT (East Flores, Sikka, Ende and Alor). Collaboration with local governments on improving the business environment in the district will enhance business registration hence the project will indirectly contribute to increased government income.

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Internal staff development has been identified as a key area of focus for 2009 to keep up with international good practices in terms of project design, implementation, and monitoring and impact measurement. Accordingly, Swisscontact Indonesia has designed a series of Internal Capacity Building Workshops for its core staff in 2009 and the first workshop was held on 5 th and 6th March in Jakarta. This two-day workshop, with 29 participants, focused on operationalizing the Private Sector Development Strategy of Swisscontact. The topics ranged from the conceptual framework and operational issues of the M4P (Making Markets Work for the Poor) approach, monitoring and concepts for impact measurement, understanding the LFA, to developing an internal documentation system for sector reports and intervention designs.

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Jl. Terusan Hang Lekir II No. 15 Kebayoran Lama
Jakarta Selatan 12220, Indonesia
Tel + 62-21-7394041
Fax + 62-21-7394039
Email: coof@swisscontact.or.id

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Swisscontact is an international development agency founded by the Swiss private sector, with over 30 years of experience in Indonesia. It has a track record for innovative, pragmatic approaches in vocational education and training, urban ecology and small and medium sized enterprise development.

Swisscontact aims to contribute to improved standards of living in Indonesia. It does this by promoting equitable access to economic participation for all parts of society through a more enabling environment for private sector development and by encouraging more ecologically-sensitive practices in the urban environment. Swisscontact always seeks to facilitate sustainable local solutions to local problems.

As an agency with its origins in the Swiss private sector, Swisscontact has a strong private sector orientation, in terms of culture, staff and working practices.